Tuesday, August 28, 2012

McKibben and the Quiz

The quiz that the English 101 class took is a quiz that can take everything one knows and make it seem truly useless. All the information on the quiz was probably know by most people 100 years ago. Now this data is not necessary to survive in today's world. The knowledge most people use today is of very little use outside of society and sometimes even a single culture. This quiz can make one want to forget all of the knowledge learned in school and replace it instead with knowledge on our local environment. 
The talk McKibben delivered spoke of how humans have a new reality created by humans. The fact that Americans are more worried about the economy than the environment shows how out of touch the culture is from the land. The economy is an invention of man and the economy seems to be the biggest force in people's lives today. The problems arising in the environment are not going away and could soon be getting the attention of people in a few years. Humankind must stop consumption of the earth and instead start living in the earth.

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