Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Bill McKibben's Eaarth

Last night I listened to an interview (but was really more of a conversation) with Bill McKibben for Scientific American on their podcast. I went through a bowl of popcorn and pot of tea through the course of it, but aside from my indulgence, the interview had a lot of points that I could resonate with. 
One that stood out to me is when McKibben stated that the economy is "more real" to politicians, than our physical world. He went on to say how the economy is such a factor in our lives today, that we often forget that it is just a man made system. I believe that we should take care of the environmental problems at hand right now. We do not know how much time we have to solve them and they are the problems that will take hundreds of years to reverse. It is sad how we have betrayed the land which we came from for our own creation. 
McKibben also spoke of the need to stop the mentality of "Growth" being the answer. America has long been a country of progress and this is a lot of people's answer to solve environmental problems. He speaks of the need for a halt of this growth. I came up with an idea a few months ago for a "Big Pause". This pause wouldn't just be sitting back and relaxing, but looking at what we have, what we are up against, and how to deal with it. 

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